The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Almost finished with my third of fifteen

I am so excited about the fact that I will finish my third of fifteen this week-end, I just have to add beads and finish the straight stitching around the framing.
I am going to use beads for the rainbows, i stitched the small rainbow and found it look a little to different for my liking.

I plan on framing this maybe tomorrow.
I am going to start working on one of my silk projects tomorrow or sunday I had to frog because  I was off by two stitches, darn frog.

I think you can see where I pulled all the threads I had already put in,  I  just hate to frog, but in order to get a better finish I had to do it, I hope not to make a mistake again it is hard to pull threads  from silk gauze.

Happy Stitching



  1. Your stitching is beautiful! Good luck on your restart. Hopefully this time will go smoothly.

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any and all comments are welcome and Thank you for sharing