The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Wow! I've not posted on here in forever...but I am still reading it and keeping up with watching everyones progress!! You are all doing GREAT!! I, however have only finished 3 things on my is #3- which is page nine of Howling at the Moon complete! I am hoping to finish the last two pages of this project by years end! We shall see how that goes! Boy was I thinking very ambitiously when I set my goals for this challenge...can you say fail? Just kidding! I did what I could, I really didn't think it was realistic since I knew I would have a new baby this year and so that is a huge time suck, but I'm doing what I can! I am still enjoying watching every one else working on this challenge!


  1. This is looking great! I have this as a UFO and not even done with page 1 yet! I will be watching yours : )


any and all comments are welcome and Thank you for sharing