The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finish # 5

May I present Kaleidoscope from Ink Circles as my 5th finish of the challenge.
This working on the same project every weekend is working well for me and if I play my cards right I'll at least manage to finish off 7/8 of my PHD's by the end of the year.

Started 12 July 2007
Finished 23 September 2011



  1. Positively beautiful colors very nice.

  2. I have always loved this pattern! You did a beautiful job! Hugs!

  3. Very pretty.
    Joyce f/ TX


any and all comments are welcome and Thank you for sharing