The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Update on challenge pieces for 2012

I did not realize that my name would not come up with my post.
I am Joyce C F from Texas. My blog is
I have continued stitching on pieces from my 2011 challenge list as a number of them are series and have more than one piece in the series. I have completed some and have added new ones in the rotation. Thanks to the challenge I started a rotation the begining of 2011 and have kept it going in 2012. My 15 challenge pieces are as follows and here are pictures of the WIPs;
                                                      The Alphebet Sampling Book-With My Needle-page 10 of 16

 Red Birds-Marie Barber- Just Cross Stitch Magazine Nov/Dec 2011
 The Halloween House - Ursula Michael
 Stitcher's Alphabet - Brooks Books - stitching on an afgan
 Completed stitching the Summer, Spring and Winter LittleHouse Needleworks
 September Weatherpoems-Britian's #1 Crossstitch Magazine 2000 issues-stitched July/August
 Noel 2009 stitching on both ends of a tablerunner
 Christmas Animals - Heaven and Earth
 Garden of Joy- a SAL from the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo group
The Library - Littlehouse Needleworks
 November Snowman - Vermillion - stitched Jan,Feb,Mar,April, May, Dec
 March Flower of the Month - Ellen Maurer Stroh - stitched Jan, Feb
 ABCs of Aging Artfully - Lizzie Kate- Completed in Aug 2012, started Aug 2011
 2012 Christmas Card
 Thanksgiving Wreath - Holidays All Year- Stitched St Patricks, Valentine, Easter, July 4th, Halloween and a Thanksgiving from the book.

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous I have done lots of stitching but not like this.
    I may have missed it but who did all this beautiful stitching.
    Great job.


any and all comments are welcome and Thank you for sharing